Saturday, February 13, 2016

Valentine Wishes

Even though the big chill is here on Long Island, it is time to celebrate the sweetest day of the year, Valentine's Day, and all the sweet happenings during this past week. An extra layer of clothing, a raising of the thermostat, and baking mark my time leading up to a Happy Valentine's Day celebration.

This week has been a poetryliscious one that inspired me to write alongside colleagues from around the states. I spent each day writing poetry for Laura Shovan's Found Object Poem Project. My Tomato Moon poem based on Matt Forrest Esenwine's picture prompt and title can be found here. A Hushed Quiet was a reflective type of poem with a zen-like quality that led me to lessons learned. 

Coming back to the yoga studio after a rotator cuff injury provided me with a resurgence of energy, a quiet peace that I have been missing, and the creation of a Spiritual Journey Thursday post, Purposeful Intent, that included a beautiful video of soothing music, and a poem based on the winter storms. 

To add a bit of fun, I whipped up a poetryliscious poem for Poetry Friday. After comparing a snow-capped scene to a frothy dessert, I decided to bake an edible treat for a Valentine's luncheon.

As I prepared the final step of the brownie cookie dough bar recipe, I looked for my mother's valentine cookie cutters and found one from the 1920 time period and one from the 1940s. Reading the inscription on the old utensil made me recall baking days with my Nonnie and mother and knowing that their love from those generations was still with me. 

To celebrate such love is what the spirit of Valentine's Day is about for me. My poetryliscious week was inspirational, quiet, and afforded me a chance to reflect and write.

I look forward to a wonderful Valentine's Day dinner in a very charming restaurant in town with friends. 

May your Valentine's Day be filled with love and sweet treats. 

Please visit Ruth Ayres site for Celebrate This Week. Ruth is celebrating the power of praise. I am eager to read other posts from those who understand the importance of celebrating life each week. 

PS: This week I celebrated my 500th post. 
Writing has become a wonderful daily habit.

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